11th IPMA Research Conference “Research Resonating with Project Practice“ Date: 22-23 April 2023, Nanjing, China
NyhederWe are in an era of rapid change. Project management practices face a new set of challenges. Driven by big data and other digital technologies, as well as the post-pandemic era and increasing global economic uncertainty, the environment of project…

Global Young Crew Workshop – VR Open Day 8th of november 2022
[Global Young Crew Workshop – VR Open Day is coming soon!]
You’ve heard a lot about GYCW 2022 VR but still have questions like:
❓ How is it going to work? Will my laptop manage it?
❓ What will happen inside? How all those…

NyhederGlobal PM Days conference is a 2-day online event on project management with the focus on the people competences of IPMA ICB®, the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline, and topics related to them. It is organized by IPMA Young Crew to support…

IPMA Monthly Internal Newsletter – September 2022
NyhederLast week many members of the IPMA Family met in person in beautiful Cavtat, Croatia!
After three years of the pandemic, we managed to organize and deliver the conference and series of internal meetings – face to face.
That is an outstanding…

Global Young Crew Workshop 2022 – VR
Product overview
Become part of first ever Young Crew virtual event
Let’s all together use unique chance to meet with all YC community in virtual space
What to expect at the event:
A lot of practical workshops with physical…

IPMA int. is looking for an Awards Programme Back-office assistant (50%)
Nyheder®IPMA (www.ipma.world) is a federation of 71 Member Associations (MAs). Our MAs are nonprofit organisations and develop project management competences in their geographic areas of
influence, interacting with thousands of practitioners and…

NY IPMA-certificering til konsulenter, coaches og undervisere inden for projektledelse
CCT-certificeringen er til dig der er konsulent, coach eller underviser inden for projektledelse!
Klik her for at gå direkte til CCT-siden.
IPMA har i nogle år tilbudt, at du kan blive IPMA certificeret, hvis du enten underviser…

Communique for March 26th, 2022 virtual CoD
NyhederLæs og download dette dokument / communique her
March 26th 2022
Council of Delegates
Communique for March 26th, 2022 virtual CoD
Building a common future together in the age of chaos: the world needs actions, and projects
beyond words

Solidarity statement from IPMA
NyhederDear MAs, dear delegates, substitutes, board members, chairs & presidents of IPMA (in bcc)
At IPMA, a federation/family of 71 Member Associations (MAs) we are committed to develop project profession for the benefit of society. Given our…

Glædelig jul & Godt Nytår!
NyhederKære IPMA-family!
Så nærmer vi os julen og afslutningen på 2021.
På trods af Covid-19 restriktioner, har vi kunnet gennemføre IPMA-certificeringen på alle niveauer - og vores certificeringskandidater giver klart udtryk for, at vi…