Ny IPMA præsident valgt på Council of Delegates i Sevilla 

Hvert halve år afholdes Council of Delegates i IPMA, hvor  de enkelte medlemslande diskuterer og beslutter de overordnede retningslinjer for samarbejdet. Møderne afvikles skiftevis online og som fysiske møder. I uge 38 blev mødet afholdt…
| Skrevet af Allan Krüger-Jensen

Årets IPMA certificerede projektledere kåret

Hvert år nominerer og udvælger IPMA organisationen Årets Projektledere. Det er de kandidater, som i løbet af det foregående år har udmærket sig betragteligt og opnået en usædvanlig høj score i deres certificering. I år ser vi frem…
| Skrevet af Charlotte Lynge

Global Young Crew Workshop in Finland 9th to 11th January 2024

IPMA Young Crew  in association with Project Professionals Finland invites the project management community to the Global Young Crew Workshop and Global Conference 2024. Time and place: Rovaniemi, Finland - 9th to 11th January 2024 (Young…
| Skrevet af Charlotte Lynge

Få ny viden online med IPMA Global PM Days – 5.-9. september

Global PM Days Challenge 2023 is a 5-day online event designed to enhance Results Orientation project management competence of IPMA ICB®, the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline, through practical learning. Guided by world-class project…
| Skrevet af Charlotte Lynge

Ny runde online IPMA-orienteringsmøder

IPMA har i første halvår af 2023 certificeret mange dygtige kandidater. Én af dem er Martin Hinrichsen, senior projektleder hos Energinet, som bestod B-certificeringen i Vejle den 6. juni – stort tillykke! Uanset om man bliver certificeret…
| Skrevet af Charlotte Lynge

Deltag i Global Project Profession Forum i Seville, Spanien

Deltag i ledelse af projekter, forbind og netværk med andre ledere og driv innovation i din organisation ved at deltage i den internationale projektkonference, Global Project Profession Forum i Seville d- 21. – 22. september 2023. Disse…
| Skrevet af Charlotte Lynge

11th IPMA Research Conference “Research Resonating with Project Practice“ Date: 22-23 April 2023, Nanjing, China

We are in an era of rapid change. Project management practices face a new set of challenges. Driven by big data and other digital technologies, as well as the post-pandemic era and increasing global economic uncertainty, the environment of project…

Global Young Crew Workshop – VR Open Day 8th of november 2022

[Global Young Crew Workshop – VR Open Day is coming soon!] You’ve heard a lot about GYCW 2022 VR but still have questions like: ❓ How is it going to work? Will my laptop manage it? ❓ What will happen inside? How all those…
| Skrevet af IPMA Danmark


Global PM Days conference is a 2-day online event on project management with the focus on the people competences of IPMA ICB®, the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline, and topics related to them. It is organized by IPMA Young Crew to support…
| Skrevet af IPMA Danmark

IPMA Monthly Internal Newsletter – September 2022

Last week many members of the IPMA Family met in person in beautiful Cavtat, Croatia! After three years of the pandemic, we managed to organize and deliver the conference and series of internal meetings – face to face. That is an outstanding…
| Skrevet af IPMA Danmark